Monday, March 15, 2010

session 5: finance 101

Session 5: Finance 101
The accounting basics, financial statements made easy

Randy Helm from Servus Credit Union came by and spoke about small business finance.

A great website to check out for business financing/ loans through the government is Look for the Canada small business financing program link on the right hand side of the page. Find out how and where to apply for a CSBF loan. Eligible small businesses for the CSBF program.

3 types of banks in Alberta.
1. Chartered banks, banks like TD, CIBC, big banks. Goal is to satisfy majority share holders.
2. ATB Financial- Government owned, positioned in small communities throughout the province, (Taber, Picture Butte, Magrath) Grassroots.
3. Credit Union- Co-op principles, profit sharing,

Register at a corporate registry for your company name.

Better to go with a corporation right off the bat than do a joint partnership because of the security you can get through legal protections.

Craig first explained the three basic accounting terms, what they mean/stand for when broken down.
• Something of value. –property owned, or a building
• Current asset (cash, car)
• Accounts receivable –money owed by Ex: renters,
• Inventory –items in store, stock on shelves, already purchased
• Prepaids?- Having already paid for car insurance, or rent, or a car payment before it was due.

• Debt owed- anything, bills, money owed that needs to be paid
• Current liabilities- phone bill, internet bill, etc..
• Accounts payable- similar to current liabilities, money owed
• Long term liabilities-

• The worth- overall worth of the company.
• Original money invested
• Plus any profits
• Not cash!!


Asset = liabilities + equity
• ALWAYS two entries (at least)
• Keep the equation balanced

Investing $$ = Financing $$

Investing $$ = DEBT + EQUITY

Stuff = Owe + own

Asset = liabilities + equity

Amortization = depreciation on equity/inventory over time. Ex: A computer that costs $1000 dollars in 1998 doesn’t cost $1000 in 2010.

Assets = Liabilities + (plus) Owners Equity
Capital – (minus) Withdrawals + Revenue – (minus) Expenses

Assets= L + (C-W + R-E)

The main thing to remember about this equation is the double entry system. You must always keep the equation balanced on both sides of the equal sign.

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