Thursday, March 29, 2007



This is an exciting time for the Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge. Not only are we trying to give away $30 000 in start up capital for new or expanding businesses and $10 000 in in-kind services from businesses that sponsor the Challenge, we are in the process of expanding the area we reach. Previously we were only in the areas of: the City of Lethbridge, the City of Medicine Hat, and the Counties and Municipal Districts of Newell, Vulcan, Cypress, Willow Creek, Pincher Creek, Ranchland, Lethbridge, Cardston, Warner, Taber, Forty Mile, Crowsnest Pass, Waterton, Special Area No. 2, Special Area No. 3, and the MD of Acadia. The special areas stretch up just north of Oyen.

The New area includes The Community Futures Regions of Wild Rose, and Big Country (Strathmore and Drumheller respectively). If you are curious if you are in the area, check out our new 2007 handbook at, or check out the Community Futures network location finder website at

Hopefully, next year we will expand further north toward Red Deer area. We will keep you posted. If you are in a new area, or just wondering about the Challenge in general send me an email at

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