Thursday, June 14, 2012

The 2012 CEC Winner Is....

Congratulations to 
Chris and Perry Deering of 
Deerview Meats!

Grand Prize Winners of the Eighth Annual Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge

Friday, June 1, 2012


Congratulations to 2012 CEC Finalists:

  - Lethbridge Tactical (Lethbridge, AB)
  - Strait Way Ltd. (Coaldale, AB)
  - Deerview Meats (Irvine, AB)

Competitors can request their feedback/scoresheets and are invited to participate again in 2013!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

WOW, thank you volunteers!!!

Just a quick calculation here....
WOW! Over 300 volunteer hours in this month from our Screeners!!
Our Screeners are anonymous so it's literally a thankless job, yet they come back every year and lend their expertise.

Scoresheets are filing back and Finalists will be announced mid-week. Check back here for news!


Monday, April 30, 2012

Competition Time!

The numbers are still trickling in from the region but I can confirm that there were more than 20 plans received by the deadline today - so we have a competition going!

Congrats to everyone who submitted. You've taken a step towards a chance at over $40K in prizes but also a step towards your own prosperity by planning your success in business!

Plans will now be pre-screened (checked for competition submission requirements, pages, sections, formatting, etc) then sent to three screeners each. Screeners will evaluate the plans and give feedback and we should know who the Finalists are in 3-4 weeks!

Thanks to all who have contributed to the 2012 Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge.

An extra shout-out to ATB Financial for the support of this year's competition!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Submission FAQs

A few questions from participants, thought others might find the information useful as well.

Do the appendices need to follow the formatting outlined on page 12 of the Participants Handbook?

Your appendices can use any formatting. Recommend that they are clearly labeled. 10 pages maximum.

Do the information page or table of contents count in the 20 pages?
No, just the 10 sections must fit in the 20 pages.

If I only used one page for one section, can I put the extra page allotted toward another section?
Sorry, no. However, in addition to the business plan's 20 pages, you can include up to 10 pages of appendices.
Also, you can use hyperlinks within your text (verify that they are active if you send a .pdf). You may be able to drive screeners to information without using space within your submission. Caution, be concise so screeners are spending time surfing away from your plan and there are still a handful of screeners who print things.

Check back as other questions may come in!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Wow! Speakers this year have been great!!
Not only are they knowledgeable, but they are packed with handy resources!
Over the past few weeks, our industry experts have dropped a number of handy online tools.
Here are a few of them:
Alberta Business Directory

Check back to this post, more links coming!

NOC Codes: Human Skills Resource Development Canada

Profit Mastery Toolkit:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Just an FYI that this week's email has been sent. If you haven't received anything titled "CEC Update - Mar. 14", email or phone to ensure the correct email address is on record.
Also, try your spam folder.
Perhaps provide another email address (if available) if you're not getting updates.
A handful of emails are coming back undelivered.

Check out the website for this week's handouts:

Friday, March 9, 2012


GASP! What is this handbook Brent spoke of in the last session??

The participant handbook can be found on the Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge website.

He referred specifically to the evaluation criteria on page 13.

Find the handbook at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Past Winners

One thing many bloggers like to look at are the stats on their page. We can see all sorts of neat information. Where you're clicking from, how you're finding us, what keywords you're searching.

I've heard all sorts of stories of people search the most strange things and coming across a blog randomly. Sorry, I don't have any stories like that but I did notice someone was looking for info about past CEC winners.

Here's a list of the Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge legacy:

Winner - Pink Tie Events
Runners-Up - Earthstone Concrete Countertops and Creations
Platinum Garages

Winner - InspectaCAR inc.
Runners-Up - CPR Engineer’s House
Sugar Dreams

Winner- Bridge Land & Energy Services Ltd
Runner-Up - Family Tree Child Care

Winner - Inspire Studio and Gallery
Runner-Up - Clay for Kids Lethbridge

Winner - Titan Contract Welding Ltd.
Runners-Up - Paws on the Run Pet Services Ltd.

Winner - Relaxation Room
Agri-Value - BioDiesel ReFuel

Winner - Southern Alberta Application Service Providers
Agri-Value - Spragg’s Meat Shop

Congratulations to all past Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge winners!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cash Flow

If you haven't been thinking about the money involved with being an entrepreneur, you've really missed a step!

The "Financials" sessions aren't for a few more weeks but I'm gonna leak a tool here so you can start thinking about your cash flow projection. Specifically, start exploring your expenses. (Spoiler alert: Morley, CF Business Analyst, will be starting his session with expenses and work his way up the sheet.)


By the way, we have a Facebook page!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dragon's Den Auditions

Test your idea out against the fiery beasts!!
Auditions are this weekend in Calgary, and again March 24.

[more info here]

In other CEC news, registered participants should have received an email earlier today. If you haven't received it, please email so we can sort out the bugs and verify that I have your email address correct in the database.
(Please check your Spam folder too.)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Session clips

Hi all!!
Haven't quite figured out how to post clips here yet but check out our YouTube channel with the clips posted:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

*technical difficulties*

Sincerely want to apologize to our videoconference participants.

The presentation computer froze and there were challenges with audio in the VC sites.
We'll address the issues and ensure service is improved moving forward.

In the meantime, we'll see if we can get you a copy of the session to view.
Please email me at

Again, very sorry.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


As a participant, there are a few things you'll want to bring with you to each training session - notebook, pen/pencil/highlighter, perhaps a voice recorder - but our speakers also provide handy handouts.

I really want to emphasize the importance of taking notes during sessions and not relying on handouts being posted. Our speakers throw lots of tidbits in as they do their presentations that aren't always included in the slides.

Session materials are available on the website at:

Viewing sessions online

Once registered, participants have a choice of ways to take in the training sessions:

-in person at University of Lethbridge, room L1060 (first door on your left when entering the library's main building)

-videoconference via RISE Network to community libraries or your local Community Futures office. (Please contact coordinator no later than 11am on the day of the session to make arrangements.)

-online: after your registration has been received, you will receive a weekly email with a link and login information. The site isn't active until the live session starts on Wednesday evenings.

If you aren't receiving weekly emails (usually sent Tuesday or Wednesday), check your spam folder or contact me at

Full training sessions will not be available however highlight clips will be posted in this blogsite and training materials can be found on the CEC website.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Market Research

Need a link for calculating your market research numbers?

Heather mentioned there are lots of tools online to help determine confidence levels. Here's one I came across:

Also, StatsCanada produces abundant amounts of information (including new Census information released today).

Guess what? The book is available in pdf for free online:

and here's the link to the community profiles:

Thank you so much to our presenters tonight!

Alaina Wells
Lethbridge Vehicle License & Registry
2045 Mayor Magrath Dr. S, Lethbridge

Stephen C. Mogdan
Stringam Denecky LLP
314 3rd St S, Lethbridge

Heather McIntosh-Rivera
Economic Development Lethbridge
308 Stafford Dr., Lethbridge

Last week's speaker:
Greg Stonehocker

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Not only is there cash up for grabs - $10,000 for Grand Prize, two $2,500 Runner-Up prizes - but the total prizes available this year are valued at over $40,000!!

Up for grabs:
- $10,000 GRAND PRIZE
- two $2,500 RUNNER-UP PRIZES
- memberships with ActionCOACH
- radio marketing package with CJOC/CJCY
- special video production offer with K2 Communications
- HP Printer/Scanner/Copier
- weblisting with ClearlyInteractive
- 1-year lease with tecconnect
- laptop case, umbrella, pen set from Print Partners

(subject to change, distribution of prizes to be determined)

SESSION 1: Ideas to Action

What an uplifting session last night from our speaker Greg Stonehocker from ActionCOACH.

Greg shared strategies to build your business strategically and strong.
Check back here as we're planning on posting clips from the session.

Be sure to join us next week for Market Analysis with Heather McIntosh-Rivera from Economic Development Lethbridge.
We'll also have a special guest from Lethbridge Vehicle License & Registry, Alaina Wells, who will share information about corporate structure (partnerships, incorporation, etc) and what you'll need at these early steps.

Say, did you catch our segment on Global about last year's winners, Pink Tie Events?

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Region!!

It is with great pleasure to welcome Community Futures East Parkland to the Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

CEC 2012

Today is the official first day of the 8th Annual Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge!

A lot of details are still firming up. Watch for minor changes to the eligibility that will allow for more businesses to participate. Also, we've upgraded the handbook to include working material to help you finish your business plan - a crucial step towards being successful in running your own business.

We are so thrilled to have ATB Financial join us as a Platinum Sponsor. CEC and ATB are natural partners as both aim to assist small and medium sized businesses grow throughout rural southern Alberta.

Because of their generous contribution, we are able to offer a $10,000 Grand Prize to the winner of the 2012 Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge. Other prizes are being offered too. ActionCoach, the number one business coaching firm in the world, is offering packages to Finalists to see new businesses in our communities excel. Also, CJCY/CJOC and ClearlyInteractive are giving marketing packages!

Training is going to be so valuable as you ponder your early steps. Come to a session and have an interactive discussion with professionals in different industries to get current, relevant information.

All you've got to do is REGISTER! (which is totally free)

Phone: 403.320.6044

Check back because this is where you'll get up-to-date information on the training and competition!